Australians Overwhelmingly Support Ban on Gambling Ads


A recent poll, carried out by an Australian group, revealed that a significant majority of Australians, 71%, favor prohibiting gambling commercials on television.

The poll was conducted over a four-day period, from August 13th to 16th, 2022, and involved a sample size of 1003 individuals.

Participants were asked to express their agreement or disagreement with five statements concerning the prohibition of advertising for gambling, cigarettes, unhealthy foods during children’s programming, alcohol, and fossil fuels.

Examining the gambling survey results by age group, the highest percentage of individuals who “strongly agree” with a complete ban on gambling advertisements were those aged 60 and above, with 50% of this demographic expressing support.

Conversely, individuals aged 50 to 59 were most likely to “strongly disagree” with the ban, with 6% of this group voicing opposition.

Furthermore, a small proportion, 2%, of those aged 40-49 and 60 and over also expressed strong opposition.

Women demonstrated greater support for prohibiting gambling advertisements than men, with 40% of women expressing strong agreement compared to 35% of men.

Supporters of the One Nation party exhibited the highest level of support for the ban, with 41% of this group expressing strong agreement.

Nevertheless, this group also has the most powerful adversaries, at 14%.

People from Western Australia exhibited the highest backing for the prohibition, at 41%. This was succeeded by New South Wales at 35%, Queensland at 31% and Victoria at 27%.

Dr. Richard Dennis, Chief Executive of the Australian Institute, stated that the findings revealed robust public backing for a complete prohibition on gambling advertisements.

“The results also indicate that Australians are weary of the gambling industry inundating our airwaves with alluring messages, attempting to persuade us to wager,” Dennis remarked.

“Irrespective of voting inclinations, most individuals are clear about their stance towards junk food and gambling advertisements – eliminate these ads from our lives.”

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